“On/in the spur of the moment” có từ “spur” là thúc đẩy -> quyết định tức thời, bất ngờ, bốc đồng. “A spur of the moment” chỉ hành động bộc phát, không chuẩn bị trước.
Ví dụ
I get push notifications (thông báo) on my phone every time there is a sale, it is great that someone came to watch an Edition and in the spur of the moment paid for something.
“It’s not a usual thing that I decide to take on some major project just sort of on the spur-of-the-moment,” Doyle said. “But I knew that I wanted to honor (tôn vinh) her memory, first of all, and I wanted to put it into the Japanese Garden in Lithia Park.”
We can’t just jump in the car and zip over to our parents’ for diner. If we had family or good friends in the next town, we could be all “spur of the moment” and move about like a summer breeze (cơn gió mùa hè), rippling (gợn sóng) across a sun-soaked lake.